General Osteopathic Treatment
Osteopaths work with their hands to investigate areas of tension and loss of joint mobility to determine the cause and therefore the most appropriate treatment for you.
Using a variety of treatment approaches including joint manipulation, soft tissue stretching and massage techniques to improve joint mobility and reduce muscle tension.
Cranial Osteopathy
Cranial Osteopathy is a refined and subtle technique of osteopathic treatment that encourages the release of stresses and tensions throughout the body, including the head.
It is gentle yet extremely effective and can benefit a range of conditions for people of all ages, from birth to old age.
Cranial Osteopathy for Babies & Children
Cranial treatment is very gentle and is therefore safe for all ages but in particular for babies and children.
Parents have reported excellent results after this type of treatment.
Sports Injury Treatment & Rehabilitation
Whether a pulled muscle or strained ligament, early diagnoses and treatment will ensure a greater likelihood of a faster recovery.
This aligned with an effectively managed rehabilitation process can support a return to full training or activities.
Sports Massage is also available as an option if this is the most appropriate treatment.
Injury Prevention
Recurrent injuries are common in your daily activities. We can help identify the cause and work with you to prevent those reoccurring.
Many people will take advise on what exercise to do and how to build that up slowly. You may even pay for a personal trainer. However unidentified muscle or other structural imbalance could lead to injuries. Come and see us to get a full structural examination to prevent those injuries.
Whether you are an elite or recreational athlete this could save you many hours of missed training.
First Consultation & Treatment
1 hour*
Subsequent Appointments
Up to 45 minutes
Bespoke Packages
For sport & small businesses
Contact Us
Please note we only accept payments by cash or card. We also accept Apple Pay and Google Pay.
* A client's first appointment will always be an hour to allow for taking case history, undertaking an assessment and advising on required treatment.
Diane Korsten
I graduated from the College of Osteopaths in 2016. My interest in Osteopathy developed during my time as a fitness instructor. Teaching 20-25 classes per week meant I had regular visits to the Osteopath for preventative treatment. I recognised how this could link to my role as a trainer to help people stay healthy. To further my personal development on the path to becoming an Osteopath I qualified as a sports massage practitioner.
I grew up in South Africa, loved playing sports, being active and developed a real passion for fitness. I experienced a variety of sports related injuries myself and can easily empathise with anyone who is injured. I completely embrace the osteopaths' responsibility to educate and explain the potential cause of your symptoms and how you can help yourself to prevent symptoms worsening or reoccurring.
I treat all types of chronic and acute musculoskeletal complaints resulting from anything from poor posture at your desk to a trauma occurring on the sporting field.
I have a real passion for Cranial Osteopathy and this has become an area in which I am continuing to develop professionally. I use this treatment option to help people old and young to gently and effectively rebalance the body in order to restore health.
I am also qualified Personal Trainer and Pilates instructor.
Tony Hewitt
I completed my degree at the College of Osteopaths gaining a BSc (Hons) Osteopathy. I have completed further studies in cranial techniques, dry needling and the assessment and fitting of custom made orthotics. I am a lecturer in osteopathic technique and diagnosis at the College of Osteopaths.
I have worked with and treated patients of all ages from as young as 7 weeks old to 90+ years gaining a broad base of experience over 11 years of clinical practice. The osteopathic practice I have established is for the whole family at all stages of their lives.
I understand and appreciate the pressures and efforts of daily life, whether as a busy parent, a desk-based professional or a physically demanding job. Everyone can benefit from osteopathic treatment no matter what your age. In addition to this, I advise clients on self-help techniques such as stretching and posture.
I have worked with a variety of athletes and fitness enthusiasts to support their goals through either planned massage schedules aligned to their training plans, providing regular maintenance or successful treatment of injuries.
I played rugby for over 30 years and have completed multiple triathlons, including Olympic distance, half ironman, full ironman and most recently Ultra Ironman distance events. I have completed cycle time trials and endurance cycle events such as the L'Etape du Tour and Dragon Ride.
01202 813679
Contact Diane
07836 668883
Contact Tony
07753 787282
If you have a complaint or concern about the care you have received please let either Diane or Tony know so we can discuss it with you. If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome of that discussion you can contact the General Osteopathic Council on 0207 357 6655.